What is Qi?

Oriental Medicine describes how we are born with a variety of Qi (energy).  You get Qi from mum and dad, DNA, genetics and all of the potential we are born into, in this lifetime.  I describe is like a bank account your inherit when you are born, some are born with great amount of energy, some accounts are already overdrawn.

You also get Qi during your lifetime.  Activities can increase your Qi, improve your health and longevity. Or activities, events can deplete your Qi and cause illness and disease.  

In Oriental Medicine there is disease classification. Internal diseases are caused by the Seven Emotions out of balance or in excess: Anger, Joy, Worry, Sadness, Grief, Shock and Fear.  External diseases are caused by the Six Climates: Wind, Fire, Heat, Damp, Dry and Cold.  The other causes of disease are: over exertion, improper diet, traumatic injury, excessive sexual activity, parasites and constitution.  I would include social, environmental, collective and community factors also to this list.

Qi DNA Nature
Mary Lally