How do you ground your energy?

During or after an acupuncture session you may hear about Grounding. Sometimes there is alot of energy moving during an acupuncture session. Or times when you are very busy, the mind can have alot of energy moving. There is a feeling of a build up within the body. It helps to bring the energy back down into the body, so it does not cause restless, irritation, busy mind, insomnia, heartburn, indigestion, neck and shoulder tension and migraines.

By far the best way is to get outside and connect with nature. Ideally barefoot on earth, sitting and breathing beside a tree. There is something about finding your roots or an anchor, to hold you while your energy expands. If you live near the sea or a river, dipping your feet in water can help.

Try this grounding exercise:

Sit on the ground and bring the soles of your feet together, applying firm pressure to Liver 3 & Kidney1 simultaneously. Begin a tapping vibration, saying a grounding affirmation like:

I am safe, calm and grounded.

I am nourished and supported by Mother Earth.

I love my body and trust its wisdom.

When you cannot get outside, you can eat a protein snack, look at a picture of a tree with roots, visualise breathing back down into your body and breath through your feet. And if you can touch your feet, connect Liver 3 and Kidney 1 points.

Listen to a grounding meditation here.

Mary Lally