When is the right time for a Mind Body & Spirit Detox

Why should I Detox?

Why not?

Never detox if you are unwell, stressed, injured, pregnant or currently receiving medical care, unless you are under direct supervision by a qualified practitioner.


From the 5 Elements system, there are key times when Detox is recommended. There is a large shift in the energy when we come from winter into spring and when we go from Autumn into Winter. In 5 Elements the years energy is described as 5 seasons. The other transitions, spring into summer, summer into late summer and late summer into autumn are also a good time for a gentle detox.

On a personal level, After a period of illness, after surgery, after a course of antibiotics, after a significant period of stress or over indulging, when you have recovered is another time for a gentle detox.

So why should I do it?

In 5 Elements, it’s about the cycles and balances, looking at the natural cycles in the body as a reflection of nature. Chronic ill-health, stress, lack of activity, poor nutritional intake, excess in anything, will cause a deficiency in energy. It’s like your energy bank account is constantly in the red. This impacts you ability to fight off infection, to keep positive and to have enough energy to deal with everything life presents to you.

Generally people do a detox because of something eg, to kickstart weight loss, to fit into an outfit, dry January/November etc. And then they go out and do stuff to excess again, which just brings the energy back into overdraft.

The 5 Elements 21 Day Detox is a reboot, your overdraft is cleared in your energy bank account. It is recommended as part of a yearly detox programme to support good health and wellness. It is a gentle, supportive programme, to ease you into a detox mindset with nourishing food and breath practices that connect your body, mind and spirit to support your everyday wellness.

If you are going to detox, do it as part of your yearly health and wellness plan, not as a quick fix!

21 Day Detox is part of the Health and Wellness Programme.

Mary Lally